The Microsoft Development Studio environment provides you with a number of tools and wizards that make creating components in C++ faster and easier. A great deal of the overhead work of managing the DLL server and setting up the COM objects and interfaces can be accomplished automatically. The beauty of C++ components, however, lies in flexibility: if you want to be exposed to and responsible for all the gory details of your new component, then you can bypass the wizards and get your hands dirty doing the work yourself.
This sample implements a property, myProperty, that can contain a string. This also implements Put and Get methods for setting and querying the property, and the method myMethod, which converts the string to uppercase.
This sample is provided for educational purposes only. It has not been tested in a production environment, and Microsoft® will not provide technical support for it.
This project is available in the ...\iissamples\sdk\components\c++\simple subdirectory of the Internet services directory.