Using Callback Functions
When your extension processes a request, it needs a way of communicating with IIS. This is the purpose of the callback functions in the ECB. The four callback functions used with ISAPI extensions are:
GetServerVariable is used to obtain server variables that contain information about the request and server. Some server variables, such as Request_Method and Content_Length are embedded in the ECB structure. You can use GetServerVariable to obtain information about the request or server that is not included in the ECB.
ReadClient is used to read data, supplied by the client, into a buffer.
ServerSupportFunction provides a variety of functions that the extension can use in processing a request.
WriteClient used to send a response back to the client.
Specific examples showing how to use the callback functions are provided in Sending a Header and Reading and Writing Asynchronously.
For more information on server variables see:
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