
The IRequestDictionary interface is a general interface wrapper that can wrap the following collections.

The behavior of the IRequestDictionary interface depends on how the Request or Response object implements the get_Item method.

Method Description
IRequestDictionary::get_Count Retrieves the number of items in a dictionary.
IRequestDictionary::get_Item Retrieves the specified item from a dictionary.
IRequestDictionary::get_Key Retrieves the identifier of the item to be retrieved from the collection.
IRequestDictionary::get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the collection.

Note This interface also supports the IUnknown and IDispatch interface methods. For more information, see \iissamples\sdk\include\asptlb.h, the header file installed with ASP.

See Also

Application Collections, Response Collections, Request Collections, Session Collections

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