
The ISessionObject interface exposes the methods of the Session object.

Method Description
ISessionObject::Abandon Destroys all the objects stored in the Session object and releases their resources.
ISessionObject::get_CodePage Retrieves the CodePage property for the Session object.
ISessionObject::get_Contents Retrieves the Contents collection.
ISessionObject::get_LCID Retrieves the LCID property for the Session object.
ISessionObject::get_SessionID Retrieves the value of the SessionID property.
ISessionObject::get_StaticObjects Retrieves the StaticObjects collection.
ISessionObject::get_Timeout Retrieves the value of the Timeout property.
ISessionObject::get_Value Retrieves the value of a variable stored in the Session object.
ISessionObject::put_CodePage Set a value for the CodePage property.
ISessionObject::put_LCID Sets a value for the LCID property.
ISessionObject::put_Timeout Sets a value for the Timeout property.
ISessionObject::putref_Value Stores a variable in the Session object by reference.
ISessionObject::put_Value Stores a variable in the Session object by value.

Note This interface also supports the IUnknown and IDispatch interface methods. For more information, see \iissamples\sdk\include\asptlb.h, the header file installed with ASP.

For more information, see Managing Sessions.

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