
You can use the AppCreate method of the IIsWebVirtualDir object to create a Web application definition and mark it as running in-process or out-of-process. If an application already exists at the specified path, you can use this method to reconfigure the application from in-process to out-of-process or vice versa.


IIsWebVirtualDir.AppCreate InProcFlag 


Specifies whether the application being created is to run in-process (True) or out-of-process (False). If the application already exists and is running in-process, specifying this flag as False will cause the application definition to be deleted and a new application created to run out-of-process. If the application already exists and is running out-of-process, specifying this flag as True will cause the application definition to be deleted and a new application created to run in-process. If the application exists and the setting of InProcFlag matches the application's existing in-process/out-of-process status then this method will cause no change to the application definition.

Code Example

Dim VDirObj 
Const INPROC = True 
Const OUTPROC = False 
Set VDirObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/ROOT/MyAppVDir") 
' Create an application in-process 
VDirObj.AppCreate INPROC 

See Also

AppDelete, AppDeleteRecursive, AppUnload, AppUnloadRecursive, AppGetStatus, AppDisable, AppDisableRecursive, AppEnable, AppEnableRecursive

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