
These constants are used with methods and properties of the IIS Admin Objects. You can copy and paste them into your programs, or place them in an include file for use in ASP scripts.

Const IIS_ANY_PROPERTY = 0                   ' GetDataPaths 
Const IIS_INHERITABLE_ONLY = 1               ' GetDataPaths 
Const MD_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND = &H800CC801   ' GetDataPaths 
Const ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR = 1                 ' PutEx 
Const ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE = 2                ' PutEx 
Const MD_BACKUP_MAX_VERSION = 9999           ' Limit 
Const MD_BACKUP_MAX_LEN = 100                ' Limit 
Const MD_BACKUP_HIGHEST_VERSION = &HFFFFFFFE ' Backup, Delete, Restore 
Const MD_BACKUP_OVERWRITE = 1                ' Backup 
Const MD_BACKUP_SAVE_FIRST = 2               ' Backup 
Const MD_BACKUP_FORCE_BACKUP = 4             ' Backup 
Const APPSTATUS_UNLOADED = 1                 ' AppStatus 
Const APPSTATUS_RUNNING = 2                  ' AppStatus 
Const APPSTATUS_STOPPED = 3                  ' AppStatus 
Const APPSTATUS_NOTDEFINED = 4               ' AppStatus 
Const NOT_A_VALID_PROPERTY = &H80005006      ' Various methods 
Const MD_SERVER_STATE_STARTING = 1           ' ServerState 
Const MD_SERVER_STATE_STARTED = 2            ' ServerState 
Const MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPING = 3           ' ServerState 
Const MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED = 4            ' ServerState 
Const MD_SERVER_STATE_PAUSING = 5            ' ServerState 
Const MD_SERVER_STATE_PAUSED = 6             ' ServerState 
Const MD_SERVER_STATE_CONTINUING = 7         ' ServerState 

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