
The IMSAdminBase::GetDataSetNumber method retrieves all the data set numbers associated with a key in the metabase. A data set number is a unique number identifying the data items at that key, including inherited data items. Keys with the same data set number have identical data.

HRESULT GetDataSetNumber(
  METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle,  //metabase handle
  LPCWSTR pszMDPath,          //path to the key, relative to 
                              // hMDHandle
  DWORD *pdwMDDataSetNumber   //receives the data set number 
                              // associated with the key


Specifies a handle to the metabase, either METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE or a handle with read permission as returned by the IMSAdminBase::OpenKey method.
Points to a string that contains the path of the key to have its data set number retrieved, relative to the path of hMDHandle. For example, if the handle references the /LM key, you could specify the Web services subkey using the path /W3SVC.
Points to a DWORD that receives the number associated with this data set. You can use this value to identify data sets common to multiple keys.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT that contains one of the following values:

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER The parameter is incorrect.
ERROR_SUCCESS The method succeeded.

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