
The IMSAdminBase::Restore method restores the metabase from a backup. The restore operation stops all services dependent on IISADMIN, including all servers, until the restore has completed, then restarts all services. You should be careful to plan for this service interruption when restoring the metabase from a backup.

HRESULT Restore( 
  LPCWSTR pszMDBackupLocation, 
  DWORD dwMDVersion, 
  DWORD dwMDFlags 


A string of up to MD_BACKUP_MAX_LEN unicode characters that identifies the backup location containing the backup to be restored.
Specifies the version number of the backup to be restored from the backup location, or may be the following constant:
MD_BACKUP_HIGHEST_VERSION Restore from the highest existing backup version in the specified backup location.

Reserved. Must be zero.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT that contains one of the values listed in the table below. Other errors may also be returned that are passed through from the file system, or from a crypto api when secure metabase data is being saved, or from registry operations.

Value Description
E_INVALIDARG An argument was invalid
ERROR_INVALID_DATA The data is invalid.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory to perform the operation.
ERROR_SUCCESS The method succeeded.
MD_ERROR_INVALID_VERSION The specified version is invalid.
MD_WARNING_INVALID_DATA Invalid metabase data.
MD_WARNING_PATH_NOT_FOUND Specified path not found.

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