
The Increment method takes the name of a counter, adds 1 to the current value of the counter, and returns the counter's new value. If the counter doesn't exist, the method creates it and sets its value to 1.




A string containing the name of the counter.


Increment the value of a counter with <% Counters.Increment(CounterName) %>. Increment and display the value of a counter with <%= Counters.Increment(CounterName) %>.

To retrieve the value of a counter, use Counters.Get. To set a counter to a specific value, use Counters.Set.

The following code implements a one-line page-hit counter.

<P>There have been <%= Counters.Increment("hits") %> visits to this Web page. </P>

In this example, Counters.Increment increases the counter by one each time the client requests the page from the server.

Applies To

Counters component

See Also

Get, Remove, Set

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