Status Component

The Status component creates a Status object that has properties that contain server status information. Currently this server status is only available on Personal Web Server for Macintosh.

File Names

status.dll The Status component.


Set Status = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.Status")


Specifies the name of the Status object created by the call to Server.CreateObject.

Registry Entries



Currently, the Status object only returns server status information for Personal Web Server for Macintosh. For all Windows platforms, the properties of the Status object currently all return the string 'unavailable'.

The only time you may need to include a Status object is when you are running ASP scripts that were developed on Macintosh and use Status properties.

Note The following table describes the Status properties as they are implemented on Macintosh.


VisitorsSinceStart The number of unique visitors (IP addresses or domain names) since the server started up.
RequestsSinceStart The number of requests since the server started up.
ActiveHTTPSessions The current number of http connections.
HighHTTPSessions The highest number of concurrent http connections since the server started up.
ServerVersion The Personal Web Server version string.
StartTime The time the server started up.
StartDate The date the server started up.
FreeMem The amount of unused memory available to the server.
FreeLowMem The lowest value for the amount of unused memory available to the server since it started up.
VisitorsToday Number of unique visitors (IP addresses or domain names) since midnight.
RequestsToday The number of requests since midnight.
BusyConnections The total number of requests that were rejected because the server was already handling the maximum number of connections it can handle.
RefusedConnections The total number of requests that were refused because the authentication was invalid.
TimedoutConnections The total number of connections that were closed without a request having been received.
Ktransferred The total number of kilobytes sent by the server since the server started up.
TotalRequests The total number of requests received since the status counters were reset using the admin tool.
CurrentThreads The sum of the number active http connections and the number of threads in the connection thread pool that are not currently handling connections.
AvailableThreads The number of threads in the connection thread pool that are not currently handling connections.
RecentVisitors An HTML table listing the 32 most recent unique visitors. This table includes each visitor's domain name (or IP address if the domain name is not available) and the number of requests generated by each visitor.
PopularPages An HTML table listing the 32 most recently visited pages. This table includes each page's URL and the number of requests for each page.

Note You can obtain this component from the CD included with the IIS Resource Kit.

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