Active Server Pages provides a framework for using existing scripting languages, such as Microsoft VBScript and Microsoft JScript, in an HTML page. This section explains how to create an ASP page, how to add scripting language statements, and how to perform basic tasks such as creating an instance of an object. While these topics introduce some scripting and programming concepts, they are not intended to teach you a scripting language. The Microsoft scripting languages provide their own documentation, and many additional scripting books are available from your local bookseller. Whether you are a beginning or experienced script author, you should review these topics to learn the basic structure and syntax of using script languages in ASP pages. If you are new to scripting, however, you should also take advantage of the many books and classes to master these languages.
This section contains:
- Creating ASP Pages: Describes an ASP page and explains how to add script commands to a page.
- Working with Scripting Languages: Explains how to set the primary language and how to use VBScript and JScript in server scripts.
- Using Variables and Constants: Provides an introduction to using variables in ASP scripts and explains how to access constant definitions.
- Writing Procedures: Explains how to define procedures (functions and subroutines) and call them from ASP scripts.
- Using Components and Objects: Explains how to create an instance of an object provided by an ActiveX component, how to use the ASP built-in objects, and how to use the methods and properties of any object.
- Using Collections: Explains how to access items in a built-in object's collections, including access by iterating through a collection.
- Setting Object Scope: Explains the scope, or extent, of an object and describes how to create session or application scope objects.
- ASP Built-in Objects: Provides a quick overview of the ASP built-in objects with links to more detailed information.
- ActiveX Components: Provides a quick overview of the ActiveX components that ASP provides, with links to more detailed information.
This section does not contain information on:
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