HTMLText Property (CDONTS Message Object)

The HTMLText property returns or sets the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) representation of the message's text. Read/write (read-only for a message in the Inbox).



Data Type

Object (IStream) or String


The text is the principal content of an interpersonal message, typically displayed to each recipient as an immediate result of opening the message. It specifically excludes various other message properties such as Subject, Attachments, and Recipients.

The text of a message is represented by its HTMLText and Text properties. The CDO for NTS Library always keeps these two properties in synchronization with each other. A sending client can set either property and the other is automatically computed. A receiving client can read either property depending on its content type preference.

Only C/C++ and Java programs can use an IStream object for this property. They should pass an IUnknown object that returns an IStream interface in response to QueryInterface. Microsoft® Visual Basic® supports the IDispatch interface and not IUnknown, so it cannot use an IStream object.

The maximum size of the text can be limited by the tool that you use to manipulate string variables (for example, Visual Basic).


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