Recipient Object (CDONTS Library)

The Recipient object represents a recipient of a message.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDONTS.DLL
First available in: CDO for NTS Library version 1.2
Parent objects: Recipients collection
Child objects: (none)
Default property: Name

No modifications are permitted to messages in the Inbox, except for message deletion. Therefore, all properties on a Recipient object are treated as read-only when the grandparent Message object is in the Inbox. When the access is described as read/write in the following table, that access applies only to recipients on messages in the Outbox.


Available since version

Address 1.2 String Read/write
Application 1.2 String Read-only
Class 1.2 Long Read-only
Name 1.2 String Read/write
Parent 1.2 Recipients collection object Read-only
Session 1.2 Session object Read-only
Type 1.2 Long Read/write


Available since version
Delete 1.2 (none)

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