Objects, Properties, and Methods

This reference contains property and method information for the CDO for NTS Library objects.

The following table summarizes each object's properties and methods.

Available since version

AddressEntry 1.2 Address, Application, Class, Name, Parent, Session, Type (none)
Attachment 1.2 Application, Class, ContentBase, ContentID, ContentLocation, Name, Parent, Session, Source, Type Delete, ReadFromFile, WriteToFile
Attachments collection 1.2 Application, Class, Count, Item, Parent, Session Add, Delete
Folder 1.2 Application, Class, Messages, Name, Parent, Session (none)
Message 1.2 Application, Attachments, Class, ContentBase, ContentID, ContentLocation, HTMLText, Importance, MessageFormat, Parent, Recipients, Sender, Session, Size, Subject, Text, TimeReceived, TimeSent Delete, Send
Messages collection 1.2 Application, Class, Count, Item, Parent, Session Add, Delete, GetFirst, GetLast, GetNext, GetPrevious
NewMail 1.2 Bcc, Body, BodyFormat, Cc, ContentBase, ContentLocation, From, Importance, MailFormat, Subject, To, Value, Version AttachFile, AttachURL, Send, SetLocaleIDs
Recipient 1.2 Address, Application, Class, Name, Parent, Session, Type Delete
Recipients collection 1.2 Application, Class, Count, Item, Parent, Session Add, Delete
Session 1.2 Application, Class, Inbox, MessageFormat, Name, Outbox, Parent, Session, Version GetDefaultFolder, Logoff, LogonSMTP, SetLocaleIDs

This reference is organized by object. For each object there is a summary topic, followed by reference documentation for each property or method that belongs to the object. The properties and methods are organized alphabetically.

Each property or method topic in the reference displays a Group button following the topic title. Clicking this button displays the summary topic for the object to which the property or method belongs. The summary topic includes tables of the object's properties and methods.

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