Indicates the status of the current record with respect to batch updates or other bulk operations.
Applies To
Return Values
Returns a sum of one or more of the following RecordStatusEnum values:
Constant | Description |
adRecOK | The record was successfully updated. |
adRecNew | The record is new. |
adRecModified | The record was modified. |
adRecDeleted | The record was deleted. |
adRecUnmodified | The record was not modified. |
adRecInvalid | The record was not saved because its bookmark is invalid. |
adRecMultipleChanges | The record was not saved because it would have affected multiple records. |
adRecPendingChanges | The record was not saved because it refers to a pending insert. |
adRecCanceled | The record was not saved because the operation was canceled. |
adRecCantRelease | The new record was not saved because of existing record locks. |
adRecConcurrencyViolation | The record was not saved because optimistic concurrency was in use. |
adRecIntegrityViolation | The record was not saved because the user violated integrity constraints. |
adRecMaxChangesExceeded | The record was not saved because there were too many pending changes. |
adRecObjectOpen | The record was not saved because of a conflict with an open storage object. |
adRecOutOfMemory | The record was not saved because the computer has run out of memory. |
adRecPermissionDenied | The record was not saved because the user has insufficient permissions. |
adRecSchemaViolation | The record was not saved because it violates the structure of the underlying database. |
adRecDBDeleted | The record has already been deleted from the data source. |
Use the Status property to see what changes are pending for records modified during batch updating. You can also use the Status property to view the status of records that fail during bulk operations such as when you call the Resync, UpdateBatch, or CancelBatch methods on a Recordset object, or set the Filter property on a Recordset object to an array of bookmarks. With this property, you can determine how a given record failed and resolve it accordingly.
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