Indicates the name of an object.
Applies To
Command, Field, Parameter, Property
Settings and Return Values
Sets or returns a String value. The value is read/write on a Command or Parameter object and read-only on a Property or Field object.
Use the Name property to assign a name to or retrieve the name of a Command, Field, Parameter, or Property object.
For Parameter objects not yet appended to the Parameters collection, the Name property is read/write. For appended Parameter objects and all other objects, the Name property is read-only. Names do not have to be unique within a collection.
You can retrieve the Name property of an object by an ordinal reference, after which you can refer to the object directly by name. For example, if rstMain.Properties(20).Name
yields Updatability
, you can subsequently refer to this property as rstMain.Properties("Updatability")
Attributes and Name Properties Example (VB)
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