Indicates the available permissions for modifying data in a Connection.
Applies To
Settings and Return Values
Sets or returns one of the following ConnectModeEnum values:
Constant | Description |
adModeUnknown | Default. Indicates that the permissions have not yet been set or cannot be determined. |
adModeRead | Indicates read-only permissions. |
adModeWrite | Indicates write-only permissions. |
adModeReadWrite | Indicates read/write permissions. |
adModeShareDenyRead | Prevents others from opening connection with read permissions. |
adModeShareDenyWrite | Prevents others from opening connection with write permissions. |
adModeShareExclusive | Prevents others from opening connection. |
adModeShareDenyNone | Prevents others from opening connection with any permissions. |
Use the Mode property to set or return the access permissions in use by the provider on the current connection. You can set the Mode property only when the Connection object is closed.
Remote Data Service Usage When used on a client-side Connection object, the Mode property can only be set to adModeUnknown.
IsolationLevel and Mode Properties Example (VB)
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