Returns a reference to an enumerator that you can use to iterate through all the shared property groups in a process.
Provided By
ISharedPropertyGroupManager Interface
IUnknown get_NewEnum ( );
Return Value
A reference to the IUnknown interface on a new enumerator object that you can use to iterate through the list of all the shared property groups in the process.
You use the get_NewEnum method to obtain a reference to an enumerator object. You should immediately cast the returned value to the IEnumVariant interface. This interface exposes several methods you can use to iterate through a list of string expressions representing shared property group names. Once you have a name, you can use the getGroup method to obtain a reference to the shared property group it represents. When you enumerate the shared property groups, all groups will be included. However, if you then call CreatePropertyGroup to add a new group, the existing enumerator won't include the new group even if you call Reset or Clone. To include the new group, you must create a new enumerator by calling NewEnum again.
See Also
ISharedPropertyGroupManager.getGroup Method, ISharedPropertyGroup Interface