CreatePropertyGroup, CreateProperty, putValue, getValue Methods Example
import*; ISharedPropertyGroupManager propGpMgr = null; ISharedPropertyGroup propGp = null; ISharedProperty propNextNum = null; Variant vNext; int iNextValue = 0; boolean[] afAlreadyExists = new boolean[1]; int[] aiIsolationMode = new int[1]; aiIsolationMode[0] = ISharedPropertyGroupManager.LOCKMODE_SETGET; int[] aiReleaseMode = new int[1]; aiReleaseMode[0] = ISharedPropertyGroupManager.RELEASEMODE_PROCESS; // Create the SharedPropertyGroupManager, // SharedPropertyGroup, and SharedProperty. propGpMgr = new SharedPropertyGroupManager(); propGp = propGpMgr.CreatePropertyGroup ("Counter", aiIsolationMode, aiReleaseMode, afAlreadyExists); propNextNum = propGp.CreateProperty ("NextNum", afAlreadyExists); // Get the next number and increment it. VariantInit(&vNext); vNext = propNextNum.getValue(); iNextValue = vNext.getInt(); vNext.putInt(iNextValue + 1); propNextNum.putValue(vNext);