Creates and returns a reference to a new SharedProperty with a specified name. If a shared property by that name already exists, CreateProperty returns a reference to the existing property.
Provided By
ISharedPropertyGroup Interface
HRESULT ISharedPropertyGroup::CreateProperty (
BSTR name,
ISharedProperty** ppProp,
[in] The name of the property to create. You can use this name later to obtain a reference to this property by using the get_Property method.
[out] A reference to a Boolean value that's set to VARIANT_TRUE on return from this method if the shared property specified in the name parameter existed prior to this call, and VARIANT_FALSE if the property was created by this call.
[out] A reference to a SharedProperty object with the name specified in the name parameter, or NULL if an error is encountered.
Return Values
A reference to a shared property with the name specified in the name parameter is returned in the parameter ppProp.
One or more of the arguments passed in is invalid.
When you create a shared property, its value is set to the default, which is a VARIANT of type VT_I4, with a value of 0.
If you create a shared property with the CreateProperty method, you can access that property only by using the get_Property method. You can't assign a numeric index to the same property and then access it by using the get_PropertyByPosition method.
The same shared property group can contain some shared property objects that are identified by name and others that are identified by position.
See Also
Sharing State, ISharedPropertyGroup::CreatePropertyByPosition Method, ISharedPropertyGroup::get_PropertyByPosition Method, ISharedPropertyGroup::get_Property Method