The SharedPropertyGroup object is used to create and access the shared properties in a shared property group.
To use the SharedPropertyGroup object, you must set a reference to the Shared Property Manager Type Library (mtxspm.dll)
You can create a SharedPropertyGroup object with the CreatePropertyGroup method of the SharedPropertyGroupManager object.
As with any COM object, you must release a SharedPropertyGroup object when you're finished using it, unless it's a local variable. For example:
Set myPropertyGroup = Nothing
The SharedPropertyGroup object provides the following methods and properties.
Method/Property | Description |
CreateProperty | Creates a new shared property identified by a string expression that's unique within its property group. |
CreatePropertyByPosition | Creates a new shared property identified by a numeric index within its property group. |
Property | Returns a reference to a shared property, given the string name by which the property is identified. |
PropertyByPosition | Returns a reference to a shared property, given its numeric index in the shared property group. |
See Also
Sharing State, ISharedPropertyGroupManager Object