Perform Method, Step8 (Visual Basic)

Public Function Perform(ByVal lngPrimeAccount As Long,_
    ByVal lngSecondAccount As Long, ByVal lngAmount _
    As Long, ByVal lngTranType As Long) As String

    Dim strResult As String

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    ' check for security
    If (lngAmount > 500 Or lngAmount < -500) Then
        If Not GetObjectContext.IsCallerInRole("Managers") Then
            Err.Raise Number:=APP_ERROR, _
            Description:="Need 'Managers' role for amounts over $500"
        End If
    End If

    ' create the account object using our context
    Dim objAccount As Bank.Account
    Set objAccount = _

    If objAccount Is Nothing Then
        Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, _
        Description:="Could not create account object"
    End If

    ' call the post function based on the 
    ' transaction type
    Select Case lngTranType

        Case 1
            strResult = objAccount.Post(lngPrimeAccount, 0 - lngAmount)
            If strResult = "" Then
                Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, _
            End If

        Case 2
            strResult = objAccount.Post(lngPrimeAccount, lngAmount)
            If strResult = "" Then
                Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, _
            End If

        Case 3
            Dim strResult1 As String, strResult2 As String
            ' do the credit
            strResult1 = objAccount.Post(lngSecondAccount, lngAmount)
            If strResult1 = "" Then
                Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, _
                ' then do the debit
                strResult2 = objAccount.Post(lngPrimeAccount, 0 - lngAmount)
                If strResult2 = "" Then
                ' debit failed
                Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, _
                    strResult = strResult1 + "  " + strResult2
                End If
            End If

        Case Else
            Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, _
                Description:="Invalid Transaction Type"

    End Select

    ' Get Receipt Number for the transaction
    Dim objReceiptNo As Bank.GetReceipt
    Dim lngReceiptNo As Long

    Set objReceiptNo = GetObjectContext.CreateInstance("Bank.GetReceipt")
    lngReceiptNo = objReceiptNo.GetNextReceipt
    If lngReceiptNo > 0 Then
        strResult = strResult & "; Receipt No: " _
            & Str$(lngReceiptNo)
    End If

    ' we are finished and happy

    Perform = strResult

    Exit Function

    GetObjectContext.SetAbort          ' we are unhappy
    Perform = ""       ' indicate that an error occured

    Err.Raise Err.Number, "Bank.MoveMoney.Perform", _

End Function

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