The InstallComponent method installs a component.
HRESULT IComponentUtil::InstallComponent(
BSTR | bstrDLLFile |
BSTR | bstrTypelibFile |
BSTR | bstrProxyStubDLL); |
bstrDLLFile [in]
BSTR containing the name of the DLL file providing the components to install.
bstrTypelibFile [in]
BSTR containing the name of the external type library file. If the type library file is embedded in the DLL, pass in an empty string for this parameter.
bstrProxyStubDLL [in]
BSTR containing the name of the proxy-stub DLL file. If there is no proxy-stub DLL associated with the component, pass in an empty string for this parameter.
Return Values
Method completed successfully.
Errors were encountered processing components and/or files. See the ErrorInfo collection for object-specific error codes.
Access control failure reading a registry key.
Access control failure writing a registry key.
Access control failure writing a registry key.
The MTXCatEx.CatalogServer.1 component is not registered on the target computer. MTS is not installed properly on the target computer.
Because this method uses the CoCreateInstance function internally, CoCreateInstance error codes are included in the InstallComponent method’s return values.