The following table lists the error codes returned by methods called on the MTS catalog collection and catalog utility objects.
Error code | Description |
Visual Basic run-time error 5 |
Indicates one of the following: An invalid collection or property name was entered. An out parameter was NULL. The value is not one of the supported values or falls outside the supported range. The property is read-only. The property cannot be changed after the object is created. An invalid index was entered. |
Visual Basic run-time error 445 |
Object has been removed from the collection or the method is not supported on this object. |
mtsErrObjectErrors | Errors were encountered processing some objects or file. See the ErrorInfo collection for object and file-specific error codes. |
mtsErrNoUser | User ID for user in role is not valid. |
mtsErrUserPasswdNotValid |
Package identity user ID and/or password are not valid. |
mtsErrAuthenicationLevel |
Required authentication level (package privacy) could not be set for package updates. |
mtsErrPDFReadFail |
An error occurred reading the package file. |
mtsErrPDFVersion |
Package file version is invalid. |
mtsErrBadPath |
Package file path is invalid. |
mtsErrPackageExists |
Package with the same ID is already installed. |
mtsErrRoleExists |
A role with the same ID is already installed. The role ID in the package file is likely corrupted. |
mtsErrCantCopyFile |
Errors occurred copying one or more files to the install directory. |
mtsErrInvalidUserids |
One or more user IDS for roles were invalid. |
mtsErrCLSIDOrIIDMismatch |
One or more component or interface identifiers in a component DLL do not match the identifiers saved in the package file. The package file is out of date. |
mtsErrPackDirNotFound |
Package install directory is invalid due to general registry read/write errors. |
mtsErrPDFWriteFail |
An error occurred writing the package file. |
mtsErrNoTypeLib |
Could not find the type library for one or more components. |
The following table lists the object or file-specific error codes returned in ErrorInfo collections.
Error code | Description |
mtsErrObjectInvalid |
One or more object properties is corrupted or invalid. |
mtsErrKeyMissing |
One or more objects is not found in the catalog data store. |
mtsErrAlreadyInstalled |
Component is already installed. |
mtsErrDownloadFailed |
One or more component files could not be copied to the client. |
mtsErrRemoteInterface |
No interface information is available for the component. Component files could not be downloaded. |
mtsErrCoReqCompInstalled |
Component in the same DLL file is already installed. |
mtsErrNoRegistryCLSID |
Component’s CLSID is corrupted. |
mtsErrBadRegistryProgID |
Component’s ProgID is corrupted. |
mtsErrDllLoadFailed |
Component’s DLL could not be loaded. |
mtsErrDllRegisterServer |
DllRegisterServer method failed during component self-registration. |
mtsErrNoServerShare |
No file share is available on the server to copy component files from the network path. |
mtsErrNoAccessToUNC |
Network path registered for this component could not be accessed. |
mtsErrBadRegistryLibID |
Component type library ID is corrupted. |
mtsErrTreatAs |
Component TreatAs key was found, but is not supported. |
mtsErrBadForward |
IID forward entry is corrupted. |
mtsErrBadIID |
IID is corrupted. |
mtsErrRegistrarFailed |
Component registrar method failed during component install. |
mtsErrCompFileDoesNotExist |
Component file does not exist. |
mtsErrCompFileLoadDLLFail |
DLL file could not be loaded. |
mtsErrCompFileGetClassObj |
DllGetClassObject function call failed during the DLL self-registration process. |
mtsErrCompFileClassNotAvail |
Class coded in the type library was not supported. |
mtsErrCompFileBadTLB |
Type library was corrupted. |
mtsErrCompFileNotInstallable |
File does not contain COM components or type library information. |
mtsErrNotChangeable |
Changes to this object and sub-objects have been disabled. |
mtsErrNotDeletable |
Delete function for this object has been disabled. |
mtsErrSession |
Catalog version is not supported. |
The following tables lists general read and write registry errors.
Error Code | Description |
mtsErrNoRegistryRead |
Access control failure reading a registry key. |
mtsErrNoRegistryWrite |
Access control failure writing a registry key. |
mtsErrNoRegistryRepair |
Access control failure writing a registry key. |