MTS RolesInPackage Collection

The RolesInPackage collection defines a class of users for a set of components in a package. Each role defines a set of users allowed to invoke interfaces on a component. Roles can be applied to both components and component interfaces. This collection supports the Add and Remove methods. This collection does not support the GetUtilInterface method.

The following table provides a list of the properties supported by the CatalogObjects within the RolesInPackage collection.

Property Description
The role name.
Data Type: String
Default value: “New Role”
Access: Read/write
The universally unique identifier (UUID) for the role.
Data Type: String
Default value: A unique identifier is generated.
Access: Read/Write while using the Add method. After adding an object, Read-only.
Describes the new Role. Description fields hold a maximum of 500 characters.
Data Type: String
Default value: None
Access: Read/write

See Also

UsersInRole, RelatedCollectionInfo, PropertyInfo, ErrorInfo

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