The LocalComputer contains a single object that corresponds to the computer whose catalog that you are accessing. If you call the Connect method on the Catalog object, the LocalComputer collection contains information about the computer whose catalog you are accessing. This collection does not support the Add, Remove or GetUtilInterface methods.
The following table provides a list of the properties supported by the LocalComputer collection.
Property | Description |
Name |
“My Computer”. Data Type: String Default value: N/A Access: Read only. |
Description |
Description of the computer. Data Type: String Default value: Empty string Access: Read/write |
Transaction Timeout |
The transaction timeout setting in seconds. Data Type: Integer Default value: 60 Access: Read/write |
RemoteComponent InstallPath |
The path in which remote component files will be installed when remote components are configured Data Type: String Default value: the subdirectory “Remote” in the MTS install path Access: Read/write |
PackageInstall Path |
The default path in which component files will be installed when pre-built packages are installed. Data Type: String Default value: the subdirectory “Packages” in the MTS install path Access: Read/write |
ResourcePooling Enabled |
“Y” enables resource pooling. “N” disables resource pooling. Note that resource pooling is currently only supported by the ODBC resource dispenser. Data Type: String
Default value: “Y” |
ReplicationShare |
When replicating the MTS catalog, the name of a share that the target system should use to access installed packages. Data Type: String
Default value: Empty string |
RemoteServer Name |
The computer name to be generated when you use the MTS Explorer to create a client executable. If this string is blank or empty, the physical computer name of the exporting computer is used. If you put the name of the remote server as the string, the application executable generated by the MTS Explorer points to that remote server name. Data Type: String
Default value: Empty string |
See Also
RelatedCollectionInfo, PropertyInfo, ErrorInfo