The ISecurityProperty interface is used to determine the security ID of the current object's caller or creator.
The header file for the ISecurityProperty interface is mtx.h. You must also link mtxguid.lib to your project to use this interface.
You obtain a reference to an object's ISecurityProperty interface by calling QueryInterface on the object's ObjectContext. For example:
m_pIObjectContext->QueryInterface (IID_ISecurityProperty, (void**)&m_pISecurityProperty);
The ISecurityProperty interface provides the following methods.
Method | Description |
GetDirectCallerSID | Retrieves the security ID of the external process that called the currently executing method. |
GetDirectCreatorSID | Retrieves the security ID of the external process that directly created the current object. |
GetOriginalCallerSID | Retrieves the security ID of the base process that initiated the call sequence from which the current method was called. |
GetOriginalCreatorSID | Retrieves the security ID of the base process that initiated the activity in which the current object is executing. |
ReleaseSID | Releases the security ID returned by one of the other ISecurityProperty methods. |
See Also
Programmatic Security, Advanced Security Methods, IObjectContext Interface