Microsoft Transaction Server is a component-based transaction processing system for developing, deploying, and managing high performance, scalable, and robust server applications. Transaction Server defines a programming model for these applications.

It includes the following:

  • The Transaction Server run-time environment.
  • The Transaction Server Explorer user interface for deploying and managing application components.
  • Application programming interfaces and resource dispensers for making applications scalable and robust.
Transaction Server enables developers using popular tools like Visual Basic, Visual C++ or Visual J++ to easily build server applications without complex programming.
Getting Started
Explains how to install Microsoft Transaction Server and gives a brief tour of the product.
Administrator's Guide
Provides conceptual and task-oriented information for using the Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer to deploy your components.
Programmer's Guide
Provides conceptual, task-oriented, and reference information needed for building Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer components.
Microsoft Transaction Server on the Web

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