

B, Right Arrow : Next Song
C : Pause
D : Delete current playing song
L : Load Song
P : Playlist Editor
Q : EQ enable toggle
V : Stop
X : Play/Stop
Z, Left Arrow : Prev Song

, : previous vis
. : next vis
+ (keypad plus) : next higher video resolution mode (for full screen vis)
- (keypad minus) : next lower video resolution mode (for full screen vis)
] (left bracket) : next higher video color depth (for full screen vis)
[ (right bracket) : next lower video color depth (for full screen vis)
Enter, ESC : Exit Full Screen Vis Mode
Space : Display the current playing Song in Full Screen Vis Mode
TAB : Toggles between Playlist editor and Visual mode - Will also toggle "" on and off in full-screen mode.

ctrl-D : Clear Playlist
ctrl-E : Visual mode
ctrl-I : Announce to IRC toggle
ctrl-M : Mid-State Mode
ctrl-N : NAV Console
ctrl-O : Online Tools
ctrl-P : Playlist
ctrl-R : Audio Controls
ctrl-S : Setup Options
ctrl-T : Always on top toggle
ctrl-, : Small-State Mode
ctrl-TAB : Change State

#1 - #9 : volume settings
`(~) : mute volume
0 : full volume
up arrow : increase volume
down arrow : decrease volume

ctrl doubleclick frame in visual mode : Full Window Vis toggle


Holding down ctrl while hitting the "File Open" button will perform the
opposite of your append to/clear playlist setting. So if you have "append
to playlist" setting, using ctrl while hitting the File Open button will
clear the list. And vice versa.

Holding down shift while hitting the "File Open" button will perform the
opposite of your play immediately/just add setting. So if you have "play
immediately" selected, using shift will make it not play.

You can use shift and ctrl simultaneously in this fashion. There are four
things: Add, Open, Add & Play, Open & Play.