The Sonique Navigation Console
Audio Enhancement Screen
In Brief:
2 : : Audio Enhancement EQ Graph and Options
As described in the previous section, the
EQ graph is a representation of the settings in the Audio Enhancement Control Tray. By
default, the graph and EQ are set to zero. The two options below the graph are
"equalizer enabled" and "spline tension." The "Equalizer
enabled" option enables the Sonique EQ. The "Spline tension" option forces
the graphic equalizer into curves. So if you move the 9th band, the bands aroundit will
move as well to create a curve. This is a feature that was added because we recognised
that most people have their EQ in a curve anyway and this would save time. How to Load and Save EQ settings - You use the Save / Load Tab (located directly below the EQ options) to save and load EQ settings. The Load button will cause a window to slide in over the EQ graph. Merely select a preset and Sonique will load that setting. Saving is a similar process, if you click on the save button, a window will slide in over the EQ graph that will allow you to save your current EQ in a preset slot. You can have a total of ten EQ presets in Sonique. In addition, there are five EQ presets that come built into Sonique. You can scroll through them by clicking on the small green arrows on the right side of the Save / Load Tab. |
3 : : Audio Enhancement Control Tray
The Audio Enhancement Control Tray
automatically slides out of the bottom of the Navigation Console when you open the Auto
Enhancement Screen. The Tray allows you to set the 20 band Graphic Equalizer and
manipulate the pitch, balance, and amplitude of the sound file. Setting the 20 band
Graphic EQ is easy, just slide the desired slider up to increase the volume of that
frequency band. The left side of the EQ represents the bass of the song where the right
side represents the treble. So, generally, increase the left sliders to increase bass, the
middle sliders to increase mid-tones, and the right sliders to increase the treble.
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