Menu Options Overview
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Click on a menu item to view its description below.

To access this menus, right click over the icon in the tray area or click the Options button in PUK's main window.

Open PopUp Killer
Use this option to view PUK's main window when it is hidden and you can only see the icon in the tray area. You may also double click PUK's icon to bring the window visible.

(See Synchronizing)

This option open a new pulldown menu, from which you can tweak some of the PUK's features.

Click this option to open this document.

Displays the about dialog and makes the sound it will use when it kills a PopUp.

This option will hide PUK's main window. To access the window again, either double click the icon in the tray area, select the Open PopUp Killer or run PopUp Killer again.
(See Show Tray Icon)

This will terminate the current PopUp Killer session. Note that if you have the Auto Start option enabled, PopUp Killer will automatically start again the next time you restart Windows. You may also restart it manually by clicking its icon in the Programs menu.

This options enables the AI component in PUK's PopUps detection code which will make PopUp Killer detect and close PopUps so fast you won't even see them appear!
This option will even work on PopUps not on you black list.
(See the Known problems and limitations section for some problems that can be caused by the Smart! feature)

I added this option to this new 1.6 version after having received several complains about PUK 1.6 being slower than the previous version.
This option will simply skip all the code that was added to make PUK more compatible. So, if after enabling it you experience weird things... simply turn it back off.
But, if PUK continues to work fine for you, after enabling this option, you'll notice an amazingly increased response from PUK causing PopUp's to close about 2 to 3 faster than before!

Sound FX
If this option is enabled, you will hear a sound every time PUK closes a PopUp. This is useful when you have the Smart! option enabled, because it will be the only way for you to know that PopUp Killer is working...
To configure the sound PUK uses, open the Sounds application in the Control Panel, look for the PopUp Annihilation under the PopUp Killer entry. Configure the associated wav file as you would with any other entry.
Use the About option from the pulldown menu to hear the sound PUK will use to notify you every time it kills a PopUp.

Work Offline
When this option is enabled, PUK will go active.
Use this option when:

(See Known problems and limitations for more information about the supported dialers and international Windows versions)

Check this option if you need to temporarily disable PopUp Killer. While PUK is disabled, no PopUps detection/annihilation will occur.

Fancy Menus
Enable this option to use Office-like buttons and menus. If you would like to preserve some extra system resources, keep this options disabled.

Show Tray Icon
You can preserve some space in your tray area by disabling this option. When this option is disabled, PopUp Killer will not show you an icon in the tray, so the only way to access the options menus and PUK's main window is by running PUK again.
Even when you won't see PUK's icon doesn't mean that it will be inactive.

Auto Start
Enable this option to automatically start PopUp Killer whenever Windows starts.