Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What's the price of 10 users, 100 users, unlimited number of users?

The number of users of each registered copies in UNLIMITED!

  1. I'm trying out your SMTP/POP3 server. The problem is that I cannot logon via POP3. I have tried with Administrator, and my own account, using the correct passwords (and tried with no password too) but the POP server says that password is wrong or no such user. Whats wrong?

It is obviously that MsgCore is not running. I've some suggestion:

  1. In "Control Panel/Service", can you find an entry named "MsgCore", if it exists, please make sure it is "running" If it doesn't exist, please setup the package again.
  2. If it exists and is running, please make sure the directory for executable files and message data files are the same. However, they maybe different only if you install it by hand.
  3. If you've evaluated any other mail server products before, please make sure you've remove them all.
  4. Please make sure TCP ports 25 and 110 is free before setup, you can do this by entering commands under command prompt:
    netstat -a
    This could show the status of all ports. If 25 or 110 is "listen", then there might be some program occuping these ports, maybe it is another mail server or something.
  5. If you've install a previous version of MsgCore 30 days ago, please remeber delete all the files and setup again.
  1. Why I cannot send a message to "eduardo@" ?

According to RFC-821, "eduardo@" is not a valid email address, it must be written as "eduardo@[]", this is called "domain-literal".

  1. Is there any way to forward an email account on my system to another account on another mail server?

Of course! Users can forward their messages to another email address with SMTPKit.exe.

  1. How to verify that MsgCore is running?

Well, the first thing is still to verify that MsgCore is running. Do two things below:

telnet localhost 110

telnet localhost 25

if MsgCore works, you should be able to see something on screen.

  1. It works like an un-registered copy after I enter registration codes, what's wrong?

Here are some hints for entering reg codes:

  1. Only "administrator" or users of "administrators" group can input reg codes.
  2. Be sure to restart MsgCore ( or the computer ) again after key-in reg codes.
  3. You can run REGEDT32 to check if reg codes is recorded correctly. Please check the registry:
    and see if there are these entries: RegName, RegSet1, RegSet2, RegSet3, RegSet4, RegSet5 are the same as your reg codes.
  4. In the mean time, please check the permission of the previous registry and see if you have rights to input the reg codes.
  5. If you have doubts, you can mail us your reg codes, we'll check if they are correct.
  1. Accounts of NT cannot login and check mail?

Please enable the user right option "Log on as a service" in User Manager. To this end, first, execute the program "User Manager", the select "Policies|User Rights". Please check the option "Show Advanced User Rights", then you will be able to find the option "Log on as a service".

You must add users or groups which is allowed to receive message in "Grant To" field below. If you think this is too cumbersome, you can set it to "Everyone" as what you have seen in the above picture. After reboot, your modification will take effect.

  1. How are messages for a mailing list subscription addressed ? ie; majordomo@, listserver@, or what?

You can name it as you like. You can setup its name in MailCenter.exe

  1. Does the program support multiable e-mail address to one mailbox ? ie;, and all end up in the mailbox for Johnny ? (redirection)

This system supports "forwarding", which means you can forwarding all the messages of to, this is an equivalence to multiable email address.

You can also caret mailbox aliases for John@ and J@, and redirect messages to a another email address.

  1. Having trouble w/users sending messages. Message comes blank. You get the senders name but no message content.

The mail client you use should provide a function to view the real message text, for Internet Mail or Outlook, you can do this thru "Property|Detail...." to see the real message text, so you can distinguish if there is only mail header but no message body.

There are two other possibilities:

  1. The message is written in hand with telnet, so the message is incomplete to you mail client.
  2. The message is composed with a mail client which generates incompatible message format to receiver's mail client.
  1. I have noticed that in the TraceXXXX.log that we get an error message ( -ERR Wrong Command ) when ever someone logs in to check their mail. Could you please explain this?

Some mail clients, especailly Microsoft products like Outlook, tries to issue commands that MsgCore doesn't support, such as commands only supportted by MS-Exchange, so this is okay if nothing went wrong.

  1. Can I custom design my SMTPKit.exe for my own purpose?

Yes, please extract the package There are some resource file required for customize your own interface.