What is Power Browsing Tools?

Power Browsing Tools is a collection of helper programs that give new abilities to your Netscape Navigator. These helper programs are: Full Screen, Save With Images, Download Manager and Miscellaneous. Each is discussed in its own section. More helper programs will be added as they are written.

Install and Uninstall

First you need to close Netscape Navigator before installing or uninstalling Power Browsing Tools or upgrading Power Browsing Tools to a newer version or adding any new Power Browsing Tools module.

After Power Browsing Tools is downloaded, it can be unzipped into a temporary folder on your computer. Using Windows Explorer, find the temporary folder, then double-click on "Setup.exe". After that, just follow the dialog boxes and Power Browsing Tools is installed for you.

To install an upgrade to Power Browsing Tools or to add a new Power Browsing Tools module you need to re-install the entire Power Browsing Tools software. Be sure to uninstall the older version before installing the newer.

To uninstall Power Browsing Tools, access Control Panel then double-click on "Add/Remove Programs". Select Power Browsing Tools by highlighting it, then click on the "Remove" button. It's that simple. You may want to use Windows Explorer to make sure the Power Browsing Tools folder is not still on your computer. If it is, simply highlight the entire Power Browsing Tools folder and use the "File" menu and its sub-menu "Delete" to delete the folder, but this should be done only after using Control Panel as above.

Quick Start

Once Power Browsing Tools is installed it is automatically integrated with Netscape Navigator. Full Screen is toggled on and off by the new "Wide"/"Unwide" button on Navigator's toolbar. Save With Images is added to Netscape's "File" menu as one of its menu items. Simply click on this menu choice when you want to save the current web page being browsed and all of its images. Download Manager is called automatically before you start a download. And the middle mouse button of any three button mouse installed on your system is automatically activated when Navigator starts up. Various options for Power Browsing Tools can be set using Netscape's "Edit" and "Preferences" menu items.

Finding Help

Power Browsing Tools Help has been added to Navigator's Help menu as an item you can click on. This help is always only a click away.

It can also be accessed directly from within Netscape's Preferences window if Power Browsing Tools or one of its modules is highlighted by clicking on Netscape's Help button or pressing F1.