************************ * Gruntz Editor Readme * ************************ IMPORTANT: BE SURE TO READ THE ENTIRE HELP FILE FROM START TO FINISH BEFORE TRYING TO USE THE EDITOR!!!!! - Read the help file FIRST! We cannot stress this enough. This editor is the same editor that we used to create the levelz in the game and it is not a completely trivial application. - If you need help, feel free to visit the Gruntz form on the Gruntz website at http://www.gruntz.com/ - If you post a question on the Gruntz forum that shows that you obviously didn't read the help file first, then do not expect a reply -- and expect to have your kneecapz shot off with a 12-gauge. :) - Did we mention to read the entire help file before trying to use the editor? - How about be sure to read it from start to finish? - Oh.. and don't skip any sectionz. - If you don't follow the instructions in the help file EXACTLY when making your levelz, then the game will exit or crash when you try to load them. - Of course that can all be avoided by simply reading the entire help file first. :) - It is possible to make puzzlez that you cannot solve. The game does not have any idea if a puzzle you make cannot be solved, so be sure not to make bad puzzlez. If you do make bad puzzlez and distribute your levelz to friendz, then they probably won't be very happy with you. - Enjoy the editor and we hope you have fun making and playing your own custom Questz levelz and Battlez mapz! - Once again, if you need any help, visit the Gruntz forum on the Gruntz website at http://www.gruntz.com/ - And last but not least, in case we didn't mention this yet, PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE HELP FILE FIRST! :) Sincerely, the Gruntz readme.txt team.