1001 Norton Web Services Uninstall 1002 Are you sure you want to remove Norton Web Services from your computer? 1011 The location you have chosen is invalid. 1012 Norton Web Services Setup 1013 Select a folder 1014 Norton Web Services 1015 Setup cannot proceed while Netscape is running.\n\nClose Netscape. Then click Retry to continue or click Cancel to exit Setup. 1016 Norton Web Services Error 1017 A fatal error has occurred. Setup was unable to complete successfully. 1018 Setup was unable to add the Norton Web Services home page to your Netscape's Bookmarks list or Internet Explorer's Favorites list. 1019 Uninstall cannot proceed while LiveUpdate Pro is running.\n\nClose LiveUpdate Pro. Then click Retry to continue or select Cancel to exit Uninstall. 1020 LiveUpdate Pro Release Notes 1021 Patches 1022 Uninstall did not complete successfully. 1023 Uninstall completed successfully. You must restart\nyour computer for all changes to take effect. 1024 Your Norton Web Services directory might contain software and hardware update files that have not yet been installed.\nDo you want to remove these update files? This does not affect updates already installed on your computer. 1025 Norton Web Services is unable to uninstall while the following applications are installed.\n%s 1026
If this page does not change after a few seconds, you must click here to go to Norton Web Services.
1027 Norton Web Services has been uninstalled.\nYou must restart your computer to finalize the uninstall process.\nDo you want to restart now? 1028 Restart computer