!!!Caution: This file should be edited or viewed in IF1.5b. Do not send this original copy (no valid customer ID) back. ************************************************************************** Intelligent Ftp V1.5 Registration Thank you for using iFTP ! Please print this form and fill out it. Send the form and US$19 to: Xiao Quan, 26#315, BUAA, P.O.Box085, Beijing 100083, P.R.China. You will become a registered user and will receive the registered version of this software which is more powerful. (Please refer to "Important Limitations" section of iFTP.HLP) User Name: Orgernization: Address E-mail Address (Option) Telephone: Fax ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is only used for statistic When and where did you get this program? Windows type: Windows 3.1/Windows for work group 3.11/Win95 or other _______ Winsocket type: What are the 2 functions of "I.F." that you feel most useful? Which function of "I.F." is not useful? Suggest and comments: Date & Signature: COSTUMER ID:(PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY!) _S_009703MzKgqqffmjiAWksbq7ra70s,BrT