The PC operating system is reponsible for supplying applications with the real time and date. There are a number of ways a program may ask for this information, however the BIOS RTC call has to be valid to guarantee that the time and date is calculated correctly. The test included in this software, checks that both the DOS call and the BIOS call returns the year correctly in the roll-over to year 2000. There is no sure method of determining whether a PC is completely compliant in one easy test as the failure mode is quite vague. It usually manifests itself as the date returning to 1980 a few days after roll-over. Unfortunately, just setting the clock to the correct date again does not guarantee that it won't fail again a few minutes or even a few days later. To ensure the PC operating system functions correctly it is imperitive that the BIOS itself returns the date correctly. The Fernlink 2000 Ltd. Millennium BIOS extension card does this. Try running the software with and without the card.