Series 5
Spreadsheet Series 5 and a newspaper

Close-up (98K)

The easy to use built-in software allows you to do most things you would do on your desktop computer, such as write fully-formatted documents or create complex spreadsheets. The main applications all link to Microsoft, Corel, and Lotus office suites, so using Series 5 is like having your desktop files and applications with you.
PC style applications
If you're used to power applications on the desktop, Psion Sheet doesn't disappoint. It has the features youÆre used to on a desktop such as built-in functions, AutoSum, and 3D charts.

When you're satisfied with the data and the formulae, pick a font and size, then format using emphases, justification, shading and borders. View the document at different zoom levels and freeze panes. Display it as one of the seven chart types at the touch of a button and print it or transfer it straight into the spreadsheet on your PC.

3D bar chart, with a legend
Series 5 screen shot

The sheet view, with both toolbars visible
Series 5 screen shot

It's time to take your computer in hand

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