| Adware vs. Spyware
| While advertising\sponsoring is a common way to publish and promote a product for free,
| some software advertising systems do more then just showing static banners, they make use of your internet connection to retrieve new
| banner ads from a third parties server and send various information about you.This information is collected and sold to third parties.
| (In short words:The more they know about you, the higher is your value for them.)
| Because of the unobviously, secretly behaviour of these systems, they are also called advertising trojans.
| Most of these systems are installed with a (often popular) host application, which may or may not work without the snoopware components installed.
| Some attach themself to your browser, some are completely invisible.Popular applications including parasites are, for example Go!Zilla, AudioGalaxy or BearShare.
| Am I already "infected" ?
| Is your browsing speed slower then ever since you installed this free "ultimate connection optimizer" ?
| Some strange file always wants to connect to a remote server, but your virusscanner tells you it is no trojan?
| Is your mailbox fed up with tons of targeted spam, and do some of these friendly advertisers even call you by name?
| Then there is a good chance that you catched some advertising parasites lately..
| Read on to see how Ad-aware can help you to track them down and how to get rid of them
| Say NO to spyware!
| Ad-aware scans your system for known spyware components and lets you safely remove them.
| It uses a referencefile which is regulary updated, to always detect the latest spyware parasites.
| This file can be downloaded from www.lavasoftUSA.com,
| To keep Ad-aware updated, make sure to always have the most recent version installed.
| (the version number+date is shown on the statusbar in the Ad-aware window)
| Ad-aware plus users will be automatically notified as soon as a new referencefile or AAW version is available for download.
| If you want to support the developement of Ad-aware, please consider purchasing Ad-aware plus.
| Get rid of spyware now!
| Nowadays there are alternatives for nearly every ad-supported "freeware".
| Even if many of the spyware host applications will continue to work without the spyware installed, we recommend to generally
| avoid using spyware supported software.
| Alternatives to popular spyware hosts is a common subject in our forums, please click HERE to get there.
| Since spyware has become an public issue, many shareware sites begin to list ad-ware seperated from freeware.
| We think it is time to draw the line and boycott vendors consequently who violate our online privacy, the sooner the better.
| Software vendors will change their mind only when it costs them customers and reputation.
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