
aawsmall256w.jpg Adding language modules

Ad-aware 5.0 supports custom language modules.
To add your own module, please follow these steps:

In the folder where Ad-aware is installed, open the \Lang folder and make a copy of the "english.ini" file, and name it
according to the language you want to add. (example "italian.ini" for an italian module)
Please don't change the file extension, it must remain

Now open the file with notepad, and translate the strings to the new language.
here is a small example:

; button captions <-- comment, will be ignored  
1068=Speichern. <-- strings, overwrite them with the appropriate word in your language  

: it is important that you don't change\mix the line numbers, they are used to identify the strings.

Make sure you don't exceed the length of the particular strings too much,
for example if a string reads "next" it is recommended to translate it to "weiter" in german, rather then "fortsetzung" :)

Special characters:

# : stands for a linebreak(carriage return), used in long strings, for example in dialog-messages.

%D : a variable which holds a value. (example : 'scan complete. %D items found')
please dont remove them, Ad-aware inserts the appropriate value during runtime.

comments start with a
; and will not displayed.

After saving the file, you can supply a small 16 x 10 bitmap that represents your country.
It will be displayed beneath the module-name in the Ad-aware configuration menu.

You may add bitmaps with a different size, but only 16 pixels will be shown horizontally, 10 vertically.
This is required to make the graphic fit to the used font-size.I suggest you open one of the delivered bitmaps and
change it, then save it under a new filename.

In order to have Ad-aware combine the bitmap with the .ini file, it must have exactly the same filename (just with a .bmp extension)

For example :

Svensk.ini (language module)
Svensk.bmp (optional country flag)

If no country flag is supplied, a default image will be used.

Please send your language modules to
contribute@lavasoftusa.com if you want to publish it on our website.

Thank you for your contribution!