Click the ReGet Junior triangle button in the
upper left corner of the window, choose Options from the
menu and click Integration. It will invoke ClickCatcher
settings dialog where you can choose browsers you want ReGet Junior
to integrate with.
In the Default Download Manager section you may select the download manager which you are going to use to download files from the Internet.
Internet Explorer section contains the following options:
Select the Catch links from Internet Explorer checkbox to enable an instant download of files from the Internet as soon as you click their links while using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Select the Add ReGet Junior to context menu checkbox to enable the appearance of the option allowing to download by ReGet Junior in Microsoft Internet Explorer context menu.
Internet Explorer settings will automatically work for NetCaptor, NeoPlanet and MSN Explorer.
Other Programs section is used to customize integration with other browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Opera.
Select the Catch links from Netscape Navigator checkbox to enable instant downloading when clicking a file link in Netscape Navigator.
Select the Catch links from Opera checkbox to enable instant downloading when clicking a file link in Opera.
You may not wish to use instant downloading by just clicking on the file link. For this purpose select the Add URL only if ALT key pressed. This option will start instant downloading only if the ALT key is held down while clicking on the link.
Specify the extensions of files that should not be downloaded when you click on them in the Ignore extensions text field.
The Clipboard section enables or disables monitoring of the Clipboard.
Select the Monitor Clipboard checkbox in order to enable instant downloading of a file as soon as itÂ’s link is copied to the Clipboard. You may disable instant downloading of some file links in the Clipboard by specifying their extensions in the Ignore extensions text field.
The Confirmations section customizes the need to confirm download of links.
Select or clear the Confirmation on adding downloads from Browsers checkbox to enable or disable the confirmation before downloading links that are clicked in browsers.
Select or clear the Confirmation on adding downloads from the Clipboard checkbox to enable or disable the confirmation before downloading links that are copied to the Clipboard.