How to Use ReGet Junior

How to Manage Your Downloads

You have added a download. What now?
Buttons on the toolbar allow you to:

- Add (1) a new download
- Start (2) a download
- Pause (3) and then again Start (2) a download
- View log (4) of a selected download. This log tells you what exactly is happening with your download. Don't worry if something went wrong and you don't understand a word from this log. You can copy it to the Clipboard, then paste to an e-mail and send it to our support team at which is always glad to help you.
- Delete (5) selected downloads. You can hold down CTRL and SHIFT keys to select more than one download. This option WILL NOT delete downloaded files from your hard drive.
- Read help (6). As you are reading this you already know how to open the help-file.

Graph bar (7) shows you the incoming traffic to ReGet Junior. You can show or hide it by pressing the small button (8) near the graph (please note: this show/hide Graph bar button is optional and may be not present in some skins). Scale of the traffic graph can be decreased (9), increased (11) or switched to an auto mode (10).

If you are not satisfied with traffic you can manage it with three colored buttons (12):

  • Green button switches ReGet Junior to unlimited mode, ReGet Junior fully utilizes the entire bandwidth to download files (please note: the Net surfing will be seriously affected in this mode -- you might not be able to use any other Internet-applications while downloading).
  • Yellow button switches ReGet Junior to cooperative mode, ReGet Junior will use your bandwidth moderately, allowing you to surf the Net while downloading.
  • Red button switches ReGet Junior to suspended mode, ReGet Junior will only use a fraction of your bandwidth to keep downloads alive.

Download list section (13) is divided into 7 columns (brackets identify the columns hidden by default):
  • Filename. The name you want the file to be saved as. By default -- it is the original filename, if you have not specified otherwise in the Save asÂ… field.
  • (URL). The full path to the file in the Internet.
  • Size. Usually ReGet Junior gets the file size from the server, but some servers do not supply this information, then ReGet Junior cannot resume download if it breaks, cannot display the percentage completed nor the estimated time left before download is completed.
  • %. This column shows what percentage of the download is complete.
  • Downloaded. This column shows the amount of the file received (in Kb or Mb).
  • Time left. Estimated time left until download is completed. Calculation of the time left is based on the current speed, so the value might change during download.
  • Speed. The current download speed in bytes per second. This speed may change during download.
  • Sections. This graph indicates how many sections the file is divided into and what percent of each section is complete.
  • State. Shows the current state of download (for example, it is downloading, or it is paused, or there is an error, etc).
  • (Error). Error counter. After 100 errors ReGet Junior stops downloading the file.

You can easily customize the download list section according to your needs. If you want to change or show/hide some columns right-click on the header of any column and choose the required columns from the menu. You can also change the order of columns by dragging them by header.

Next: How Do You Know When Download Is Finished