Using the Mixer

All the Mixer controls are located in the Equalizer/Mixer area (the red controls) on the base QCD skin. If you don't see this area extended, just click the Equalizer/Mixer button (#25 in the base skin). The Mixer controls are indicated with #27.

Here are some of the basics:



Do This:

Adjust the balance between left-right speakers

  • Click and drag the Balance slider control to the left or right.

You must hold down the mouse button while you move the mouse.

Note: Balance only works with stereo sound-cards  Check the Message Area (#1 in the base skin) to see if Balance is available.

Adjust the bass and treble

  • Click and drag the Treble or Bass slider control to the left or right.

You must hold down the mouse button while you move the mouse.

Note: Not all sound-cards support control of the bass and treble.  Check the Message Area (#1 in the base skin) to see if these controls are available.

Adjust the sound-card volume

  • Click and drag the Volume slider in the Mixer area.

You must hold down the mouse button while you move the mouse.

Note: This adjusts the sound volume for your entire computer, which will affect other applications besides QCD.  To affect the volume in QCD only, use the Volume Knob (#24) in the main body of the QCD base skin.

Adjust the sound-card volume for individual channels

  1. Right click the Volume slider in the Mixer area.  This displays a list of available channels for this sound-card.

  2. Select the channel you want to adjust.

  3. Click and drag the Volume slider in the Mixer area to adjust the volume.

  4. Tip: When done, right-click the Volume slider again, and re-select Master Out, to avoid confusion when you use this slider in the future.

For more information about volume control, see Adjusting the Volume.