Frequently asked questions
1.How to add the URL of current page to
eBookmark from IE browser?
The icon in address bar of IE can be dragged to eBookmark main window or drag-drop window to add it.In addition,if the IE pop-up menu is used,the mouse must be kept in the position of the page without links and choose "add
to eBookmark".
2.How to sort the current showing bookmarks?
Single click the title bar(the bookmarks can be sorted by name,address,etc.)
in list view. A small triangle will be appeared in the corresponding item.Its arrow points the sorting methods.(descending or ascending)
function "Optimize bookmark file" is?
The categorys or bookmark items will stay in system data files and only be marked although they are deleted.When there are bookmarks to add next time,eBookmark will find the most suitable bookmarks in the length and substituted them in order to use the disk space and lessen the size of the bookmark file at most.But the frequent deletions and additions during a long time will produce many file fragments,which will reduce the data accessing speed."Optimize bookmark file" optimizes the performances of the program and depresses the size of file through tidying the files renewedly.So this fuction is recommended to often-use.Otherwise,if "Optimize bookmark file" is not executed after mass deletions and additions,system will auto-measure and monitor the changes of files."Optimize bookmark file" will be instructed when eBookmark starts if need be.
4.Why does eBookmark have no save fuction?
In fact,eBookmark file is saved at real time.Videlicet,once the bookmark file is changed,system will save the changed part into the disk soon.(not the whole file,or it will be infectious to the performances of
the program if the file has a huge amount of bookmarks).So the eBookmark has better stability.The data will be save even if the sudden power-cutting or
system crashed.
5.Why dose eBookmark show nothing when
"Auto check links after starting" is selected?
In fact,URL is checked in the background.So there is nothing changed in the surface of eBookmark.But you are careful enough to find that,"last checked date" will be different if a bookmark has been checked and "green check symbol" will be changed to "broken chain" if a bookmark URL is found to be
invalid after check.
6.How to add the collected bookmarks to eBookmark?
Select "import" from "file" menu and add the original bookmarks to eBookmark step by step following the instructions.At present,eBookmark supports the import of IE,Netscape bookmark,special
format text file, eBookmark bookmark file and HTML bookmark.If the original bookmarks are not belong to the above formats,please transfer them to the supported formats first.
7.Why can not some bookmarks be imported to be
IE bookmarks?(prompt "Create IE bookmark file failed")?
The main reason is there are some illegal characters in the bookmark
name,like"\?/*<>|"etc.In fact,each bookmark is a file.File name does not allowed to use the above characters in Windows.So they can not be imported.Delete them or substitute them with legal ones to resolve this problem.
8.How to uninstall eBookmark?