Bookmark Import |
EBookmark supports the import of IE bookmark, Netscape Navigator bookmark, HTML file and text file. The other types bookmarks must be changed to the above-mentioned file formats before import.
There are differences in each type bookmark import. In order to help you to do it better, eBookmark import uses wizard interface to lead you to finish the import step by step. The only thing you need to do is selecting or inputting some simple contents during the whole process.
IE Bookmark import
First, input the IE bookmark directory name in "IE bookmark directory" and eBookmark will find it automatically. But the found directory may be wrong. If it happens, please check if the importing IE bookmark directory is correct. Then, press "next" to continue. If you select "create a top category", system will create a new top category in bookmark file with the name from "bookmark category name". The group name is up to 50 characters. If you want to import the bookmark to the category which already exists, select "import to existing bookmark category". In addition, you can select if a new sub category is generated under this category. If it is needed, select "bookmark category name" checkbox and input the sub category name in the next editing box. At last, press "next" to import.
Netscape Navigator Bookmark import
It is the same as the operation of IE bookmark import
basically. But you must manual-search the Netscape
Navigator bookmark file. And eBookmark import is only tested in Netscape Navigator
3.X and 4.X.It may fail if it runs in other versions.
Tip If
the Netscape Navigator bookmarks import failed, You can import the Netscape
Navigator bookmarks as HTML file. refer to the HTML file import.
HTML import
First, input the importing HTML filename in "HTML file" or press "browse" button at right to select a file. Then, Press "next" to continue. Here is a more item-"add specified path to the relative path URL"-while the other settings are the same as them of IE bookmark import. This more item has a special function. For example, many web sites use the relative path in the link, the links like "a href="../gift.htm" or " a href="./path/gift.htm".if these links are added to bookmark, this web site will not be accessed to correctly afterwards. So the relative path must be changed to the absolute path. If the web site name is "",input "" in the "pathname". In this case, The above-mentioned links will be corrected to "a href="" and "a href://". At last, press "next" to import.
eBookmark file import
The way to import is the same as the above-mentioned methods basically. The importing bookmark group can be specified in the eBookmark bookmark files.
Text file import
EBookmark only supports the text file of special formats, The details are as following examples:
eBookmark Home,,,
There are four parts in each
record, The first part is the web site name, the second URL, the third the web site
description, the last keys, The front two parts cannot be empty, The behind two parts can be
blank. But the separators must be retained if the two parts are selected. In the third
example, the last two separators can be missed if the last two parts are not
selected. Each bookmark occupies one line. Press "enter" to end each line.
In addition, the separator must be in accordance with the character in
"separator", The correct separator had better be found in the relative file before
import. If the inputting separator is incorrect, the import will fail. In
addition, The separator must be single byte (the users of the operating system supporting double bytes
char must pay attention to it!).
Related topics:
Bookmark Export