Change interface language |
Change interface language
EBookmark supports the multi-language interface. Select a language in "View"-"language" menu and the interface will be displayed in the selected language without restarting.
New language package installation
If there is no appropriate language in eBookmark, access to the eBookmark homepage and look for the needed language package file, If it is found, download it and copy it to the eBookmark language subdirectory, It's ok after restarting eBookmark, If it is not found, the needed language package can be customized in eBookmark to meet your needs. In addition, this software registry code can be got for free in a certain conditions.
Unused language package uninstallation
Sometimes, the language package providing by the system is always
unused, Uninstall it to release the dick space, First, exit the program and open the languages
subdirectory, containing many language package files, under the eBookmark
directory, Delete the unneeded the language package file. If the right language package file is
unknown, look at "[info], language=" of the language package
file. There is the language explanation after "=".By the way, the
"ebemg.ini" (English language package) had better be kept.
Related topics:
Language package customizing for eBookmark