Language package customizing for eBookmark |
The eBookmark language package can be made easily without programming or other special software tools. The only needed thing is the text editor, like "notepad" in Windows or other software supporting pure-text editing.
Select a language package file from the language directory as the local-working specimen like "ebemg.ini" English package file), Copy the specimen to any directory.
Rename the copied file. The filename extension must be ".ini", The filename also must distinguish from the other filenames in the language directory.
First, some related information must be added to "[info]"
section after opening the specimen in text editor. Input the language name behind "language"
which shows in "language" menu. So it had better be descript in English or combination with local language and English in order to be seen in other systems with English without local
language. Input your name and email address behind
"author". In addition, the contents, which is needed to
translate, are at the right of "=" in the rest of
file. The left part of "=" and the contents in " " must not be
changed. If they are changed, the shift will err or unthinkable results will
arise. The character strings with "&","%d" and "%s" is often-seen in the
file. The letters behind "&" are the shortcut symbols, like the letters with underline in Windows
menu. They can be changed, if need be "%d" and "%s" display the dynamic
information in character
strings. Their position in the character string can be changed according to the nature of your
language. But they can not be deleted, or errors will occur. In
addition, remember to save the file after translation.
If the file is edited with "Notepad" in Windows NT
or Windows 2000, it MUST be saved as ANSI format text file. or
eBookmark will not identify this file.
It can be tested after completion of
above (in
fact, test can be done at any time).
First, the customized language package file must copied to the language
directory. It is needed to restart the eBookmark for first test in order that system will check the language package
file. Then select the testing language from "search"-"language" to begin the
test. Repeat the above operation up to your satisfactions.
After the language package
customizing. the file can be sent to us if you will. We will release the newest version of
eBookmark with your masterpiece and add your name to the "about" dialog box after
confirmation. If you are the first one finish this language
package, you can get the eBookmark registry number free. Thanks a lot and waiting for your support.
Related Topics:
Interface language selection