category password setting |
Password setting
select the desired bookmark group. Then, single right-click and select "set password" from the pop-up menu to activate the "add password" dialog
box. Input the password twice in the dialog box and press "ok" to complete it.
Password modification
Select the desired bookmark
group (with the lock icon at the
right). Then, single right-click and select the "set password" from the pop-up menu to bring up the "modify password" dialog
box. Press "ok" button after inputting the old and new passwords to finish it.
Password abolishing
The way is the same as
above. But nothing is input in "new password" and "confirm password" editing boxes to abolish the old password.
category locking
When a
category with password (with a green lock icon at the right) is
open, single right-click and select "lock" from pop-up menu to lock it.
Category unlocking
If you want to open a bookmark
category with password (with a lock icon at the
right), single right-click and select "unlock" from pop-up
menu. Input the correct password to unlock the bookmark group.
The password is up to 8 characters or numbers. the Uppercase and lowercase
are same (the password "Bookmark" is the same as
you want to open or edit a category it has a password , the password
must be correctly input.
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