00 Hideously Incompetent Utterly Deplorable Fantastically Abhorrent 01 Loathsomly Offensive Disgustingly Odious Detestably Repugnant 02 Monstrously Poor Morally Wrong Intensely Sterile 03 Highly Unpleasant Very Disagreeable Deeply Unpalatable 04 Rather Inadequate Somewhat Defective Noticeably Flawed 05 Repulsively Average Infuriatingly Mediocre Moderately Tolerable 06 Mildly Acceptable Rather Admissible Barely Competent 07 Pleasantly Agreeable Quite Gratifying Agreeably Pleasurable 08 Highly Adroit Supremely Admirable Decidedly Eminent 09 Absolutely First-Class Utterly Outstanding Consummately Supreme 10 Impeccable Faultless Sublime 11 STOP STOP STOP 00 Insufferably Kind Disgustingly Gentle Repugnantly Caring 01 Horrifically Courteous Displeasingly Pacifist Unyielding Nice 02 Well-Mannered Unpleasantly Calm Needlessly Peaceful 03 Moderately Satisfied Somewhat Contented Rather Satisfied 04 Slightly Calm Mildly Well-Tempered Barely Contented 05 Immorally Average Sceptically Ordinary Sickeningly Normal 06 Mildly Miffed Irritable Somewhat Vexed 07 Quietly Annoyed Mildly Pissed-Off Rather incensed 08 Waxing Wrathful Pleasingly Pissed-Off Mentally Unhinged 09 Terrifyingly Furious Commendably Enraged Supremely Pissed-Off 10 Crazed Lunatic The King of Furious Satanically Enraged 11 STOP STOP STOP