A Single player add-on for Heretic II

The Abode of Golgotha
Version 1.5

It was half submerged in dirt when he saw it. The golden corner poking up at him as if it were some kind of treasure waiting to be discovered. Kurien reached down and picked up the diary. He gently brushed off the dust and finding a fairly flat tree stump he did what he had always promised Suraea he would never do. Circumstance had driven him to this of course, but reading Suraea's personal writings may be the only way he would ever find out what had become of him.

15th January
Kurien and myself have reached the end of our journey at last! Yesterday we reached the temple of my Grandfather and obtained the treasure within which was my birthright. We have travelled for almost a year to obtain it and now at last it is ours. The item I received was a leather bound tome supposedly containing all of my Grandfathers knowledge. I am skeptical as to it's use but Kurien believes that it may hold something more than just mere words. We still have a very long journey ahead of us but I tremble with excitement at the thought of returning to my beloved Rachel and my son David.

10th February
This morning whilst we were sitting around our campsite I noticed Kurien staring intently at his hands. He called me over and then I saw it. A surreal green fire danced on Kuriens fingertips. I had no idea Kurien had the potential to perform magic.

15th February
While we passed through a market today, a thief stole a bag of money from one of the stall owners. Kurien gave chase but could not catch up. He moved his arm back as if to throw something and as he threw forward a ball of green fire errupted from the palm of his hand and flew towards the escaping robber hitting him in the back of the head. The thief collapsed in a heap and the owner of the stall insisted that we dined with him and his family. Kurien later tried to hurl the magic fire again but could not.

20th April
Kurien is able to throw the balls of fire at will now! His magical powers are increasing at an exponential rate even for a gifted magician!

27th July
The canyon which we had hoped to travel through to reach our home town Phire, has been rendered unbreachable by a huge rockslide. We have decided to travel through the nearby forest of Sanchel as it will be the next most direct route.

3rd August
While we were out hunting today a group of thieves raided our camp and took all of our supplies. Luckily Kurien and I kept the tome with us, however we will have to stay where we are in Sanchel until we have gathered enough food to continue our journey as wildlife here is plentiful. I elected to hunt for the food and Kurien will stay behind and guard the camp as we cannot risk another raid. I will rest now as it is late but tommorow I shall set out.

4th August
Strangely I could not find any animals or food all day. It was as if they all vanished. In desperation I approached a small hut which I noticed around an hour ago, an old man was living there who informed me that while he could not spare any food there is a mansion nearby who's master may be kind enough to aid us in our plight. I shall seek out this place tommorow morning.

That was the last entry. Kurien rubbed his eyes and looked up from where he was sitting. The 4th of August, How long ago was that? Days? Perhaps weeks? Immediately Kurien decided that the best place to begin searching for Suraea was at this mansion he spoke of in his diary. It took no more than half an hour for Kurien to find it. It's grey towering walls loomed down upon him. Kurien stepped up onto the porch and rapped loudly on the door... No answer. Plucking up what courage he had, Kurien swung open the enormous oak door and stepped into the forboding dark hallway.....

Latest Changes
What's New In v1.5?

- The lighting in all areas has been completely re-done. There are no 'impossible to see in' areas anymore.
- Minor architectural alterations.
- Ballroom battle scene is now easier.
- All files are stored in a .pak file.
- An Installer/Uninstaller!
- HTML Manual.

Getting Started
Installing: Run the installation file, AOG.EXE and follow the onscreen prompts.

How To Run:
Simply run the shortcut the installer creates in the start menu. (Default location: Programs/AOG Saga/Abode Of Golgotha)

Or you can double click on the AOG.BAT file that installs into the Heretic II root directory. The game will run and start A.O.G. for you. You can also:
1. Run Heretic II with the following file extension: +set game golgotha
2. When the game has loaded press ~ at the menu to activate the console and type: map golgotha/golgotha

Controlling The Action
Controlling Kurien is the same as controlling Corvus in Heretic II so for the rundown of controls refer to your Heretic II manual.

Age: 21

The grandson of a renowned magician, Suraea became the sole heir to his grandfather at the age of 20 when he passed away. Suraea was summoned to the other side of the globe to obtain his Grandfathers tome of knowledge. Immediately, he set off with his friend Kurien in tow.

Kurien (Players Character)
Age: 22

Born into poverty Kurien was taken in at the age of 4 by Jaster, Suraea's father. Suraea and Kurien soon became close friends, treating one another like brothers. When Suraea is sent to his Grandfathers resting place to gain his knowledge, Kurien goes with him.

Age: Unknown

A wealthy magician. Yurich was made an outcast from his proud family during his teens when he purposely killed his own sister while practicing offensive magic. He became a reculse in his adulthood and aside from his servants, he lives in total isolation.

Age: 34

A slave who was bought a week before birth by Yurich's father. Serving under him until Yurich was outcast, whereupon along with other slaves he was sent away with Yurich.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q:Will Abode Of Golgotha work without a 3D accelerator?
A:It has not been tested, although it may work there is no support for it.

Q: Why are all the messages when I read books or check doors etc all irrelevant ones from Heretic II?
A: You haven't specified the message directory to 'golgotha'. You can either run the shortcut in the start menu or the AOG.BAT file which will do it for you or you can add the file extension of '+set game golgotha' when running HERETIC2.EXE

Q:How do I uninstall Abode Of Golgotha?
A:Go into the control panel\add-remove programs. Find the Abode Of Golgotha entry, highlight it and click add/remove.

Q:AOG just won't work for me! Help!
A:Just send an email and let us know about the problem you're having and we'll try our best to fix it.

Q:Abode Of Golgotha Saga? Does this mean AOG has a sequel?
A:Yes. To learn about, and to download Maw Of The Umbra: Abode Of Golgotha 2 from the AOG Saga website click here.
NOTE: Download may not be available yet.


For Abode of Golgotha

Level Design, Story, Characters, Concept and Scripting
by Oliver Smiles

Testers: Alex Smiles, Chris Jones, Robert Smiles


Installer technicalities and website design: Alex Smiles

Special Thanks go to: Raven Software for making the fabulous Heretic II. The game on which this add-on is based. Everyone in the editing forum of hereticii.com for their help when I was struggling with HereticED's technicalities.

For information, walkthrus and to download both AOG and MOTU:AOG2
visit the Abode of Golgotha Saga online at: WWW.HERETICII.COM/ABODE
It features all this plus more!

Questions? Comments? E-mail Oliver Smiles at: smiles@fox.net.au

Conditions Of Use
The Abode of Golgotha is a free add-on for the retail verion of Heretic II. It is NOT to be sold, hired or offered on a pay per play basis under ANY circumstances. You may distribute Abode of Golgotha provided you do so for free and you include ALL files including this text document UNALTERED AND INTACT. You may NOT use any part of Abode of Golgotha as the basis for any levels or add-ons nor may you use any part of it within your own work unless express permission is given by Oliver Smiles.

Copyright Information
Eerie sound effects sampled from: Bio Hazard, Bio Hazard 2 and Scream 2.
Bio Hazard and Bio Hazard 2 are ©1996 and 1998 respectively by Capcom.
Scream 2 is ©1997 by Miramax Films.

The Abode Of Golgotha and ALL material contained within The Abode Of Golgotha is ©1999-2000 by Oliver Smiles unless otherwise stated. All Rights Reserved.

Heretic 2 is ©1998 by Raven Software.
HTML and Graphics ©2000 AOG Saga Team. - www.hereticii.com/abode/